Kanao Tsuyuri is from the popular anime series, Kimetsu no Yaiba. She is a Demon Slayer, the adoptive sister of Kanae Kocho and Shinobu Kocho and Shinobu’s former Tsuguko. Kanao is the Tsuguko of Kanae and Shinobu and has been personally trained by both in the art of combat. She possesses superhuman physical skills, abilities and prowess that potentially marks her as a future member of Demon Slaying Corps’ Pillars.
Product Features
- 5.50 inches (13.97cm)
- Made of plastic
- From the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime series
- Part of the Vibration Stars line
- Highly detailed
- Non-articulated
Box Contents
- Kanao Tsuyuri figure
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Vibration Stars Kanao Tsuyuri
SKU: 4983164895513