From the iconic Dragon Ball Z anime series comes the next entry in the fan favorite Match Makers line from Banpresto: Majin Buu! Depicted in his grand fight against Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, this pink monstrosity gets ready to fire off a piercing scream against his powerful Saiyan opponent. Pair with the separately sold Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks figure to complete this awesome duel!
Product Features
- 5.9 inches tall (14.98cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on the Dragon Ball Z anime
- Part of the Match Makers series
- Non-articulated
Box Contents
- Majin Buu figure
Dragon Ball Z Match Makers Majin Buu (vs. Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks)
Expected to be in stock By June 2025