From the popular Dragon Ball Z anime series comes the S.H.Figuarts Mecha Frieza action figure from Bandai and Tamashii Nations. This Mecha Frieza figure features premium articulation and includes additional parts and accessories, including a sliced in half part, that is perfect for recreating your favorite Dragon Ball Z moments. Don't miss out on adding this figure to your collection!
Trunks figure shown sold separately.
Product Features
- Approx. 4.7 inches tall (11.94cm)
- Made of ABS and PVC
- From the Dragon Ball Z anime
- Part of the S.H.Figuarts series
- Features premium articulation
Box Contents
- Mecha Frieza figure
- 3 Pairs of interchangeable hand parts
- 3 Expression parts
- Interchangeable body parts
- Stand
Dragon Ball Z S.H.Figuarts Mecha Frieza
Expected to be in stock By July 2024