Jiraiya is a recurring character in the anime series, Naruto: Shippuden. Jiraiya is one of the infamous legendary Sannin of the Hidden Leaf Village along with Orochimaru and Tsunade. Jiraiya has a light-hearted personality, making jokes at his own expense and likes to pretend that he is smug to rile others further. Despite his joking personality, he is still a powerful ninjutsu master and Senjutsu user.
Product Features
- 5.9 inches (15cm)
- Made of plastic
- From the Naruto: Shippuden anime series
- Part of the Figure Colosseum line
- Highly detailed
- Non-articulated
Box Contents
- Jiraiya figure
Naruto: Shippuden Banpresto Figure Colosseum Jiraiya
SKU: 4386